client: Detroit Downtown Partnership

Detroit Downtown Partnership helps support the business economy and downtown and beyond.


We were asked to create a lit sculpture or sign that represents Detroit, expands holiday cheer, can be moved relatively easily to neighborhoods across the City year-round.


Signage & Environmental Design

the project

Detroit Downtown Partnership had received funding to create a lit sculpture that brings the energy—and economy boost—of the holidays in downtown Detroit (i.e. lights galore) to neighborhoods outside of downtown.


The beginning of our process includes exploring inspiration precedent imagery with the client. This step allows for quick client feedback and direction before custom art is made.

Concept Development

After a direction or two is agreed on with the client, we start exploring design that fits the project needs.

Concept Development

After exploring the tunnel concept, we realized that we needed a simpler and shorter design. So, we sketched rough structure concepts that would be easier for the client to transport inbetween installs.

Final Product

The image above, after a little value engineering with our fabrication team, became the final product you see below.


One Hope: Visual Brand Development


Joe Louis Greenway: Wayfinding System